late morning haze

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Small stream along a road on overcast day.

Technical Details

70mm with Nikkor Z 24-70mm f/2.8 S Lens - 1/2500sec at f/2.8. ISO 64

Hi Jerry and welcome to NPN. I love scenes like this. Quiet backwaters that are often overlooked. Nice light and conditions. The snow adds so much depth to the scene. I like the composition and the big tree dominating the scene. Could be it’s tilted though and some CW rotation would fix that. Looking at your settings, I wonder if you can talk about why you shot so wide open for this? Lovely light.

A nice image with an attractive color palette. I like the composition overall, but it might be interesting to see it with a bit of the bottom and the sky cropped out.

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REALLY love the color palette on this image Jerry. It is a bit tilted, and yes, it might benefit with a bit of cropping. But I would just take some off the bottom and leave that gorgeous sky, as that is an important part of the color scene. It would also bring the tree & its reflection out of the center. Although, I have to say, I kind of like it where it is too…

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Jerry, this is a very pleasant and quietly inviting scene. The gentle curve of the stream and the overcast sky (showing good detail in the clouds) are nicely relaxing. I like the sense of open space. The comments suggesting cropping are about making the tree and it’s reflection more dominant in the view. Choosing between this being about the tree or about the spaciousness is up to you. There’s some blurring of the shrubbery and shorter trees in the distance, is that something that you added?

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Thanx Kristen - shot wide open - it was a very cloudy, low contrast day and I wanted the background as unfocused as possible so the tree would have a chance to stand out

For the central tree to seperate and stand out - yes - I lightened the trees and shrubs behind it.