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Perhaps I just have a dirty mind but it seems a bit pornographic. It’s very suggestive. I normally avoid compositions with such associations. That is , I pay attention to these things when working on an image.
I was going to comment on the intimacy and sensuality of it, and then I read Igor’s post. I think there is something inherently sensual about different components in an image nestled or inserted. That said, this one works for me, if I may be so candid in saying so.
I wonder if a rotation or inversion of any kind might capitalize on the sensuality and reduce the suggestiveness of the angled stone.
I had the same reaction as Igor. The textures are really lovely. I would hate to fall on that! I’m finding those smallish clasts in the ULC a bit distracting. A tighter crop (off the left) would accentuate all the interesting larger shapes.
Sorry, but I never even considered anything sexual. I see a bird sticking it’s tongue out. Abstract images can be deceptive. But both filth and beauty are in the mind of the beholder. This is part of a sacred Hawaiian stone (lava) wall at a sacred site on the Big Island. This is the actual physical orientation of the wall.
Unanimity is never a given and I had no such impressions. I see shapes, geometry, texture, etc. The combinations of rounded shapes and angular shapes - is an amazing nature ensemble.
My only suggestions might be to increase contrast - not micro-contrast at the lava grain level, but more by burning and dodging. There’s a highlighted diagonal going thru the center you could bring up a little more and just general burning/dodging to get more lights and darks - as this is mostly neutral gray. Maybe decrease the micro contrast in the rectangular block in the UL. Both these are just tweaks if you so choose.
In the end, I’m thinking how the heck did this ever come to be?
This is a wall built by Hawaiian civilization 200 years plus ago. The wall is about 8 feet high and 75 feet long on each of 4 sides. All the stones fit this well.
My guess is think about the Egyptians and the pyramids or the Aztecs…
This works well for me. I am not reading anything into it, but I am enjoying the tones and shapes quite a bit. I might vignette it to keep attention toward center, but looks good to me.
David, I agree that there’s a fun touch of sexuality or playfulness here. That curved, angled hunk of stone might be a tongue stuck out or it might be… The you have the winking eye to it’s left… Ahhhhh, the joys of imagination and letting it run wild.
It was geometric and angular interest that pulled me into this image. I’ll agree that the curved rock is the “highlight” and primary area of interest to my eye. It’s been entertaining to see others interpretations! @Adhika_Lie made an interesting observation that I enjoy as well in regards to the gradation from top/dark to bottom/lighter. I also agree that the ULC has some texture/elements that distract me somewhat. If they weren’t so close to the edge, I’d find them more pleasing as a counterpoint. Still, a very successful shot to my interpretation.