This is one more image from my September vacation in Härjedalen, Sweden. These are leaves and stones under water in a calm spot of the Ljusnan creek. Kept it a little bit underexposed to keep the underwater feeling.
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Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
f/8, 1/800, ISO 800 (why?), Olympus lens 40-150 at 100 mm (200 mm equiv.), Olympus camera OM-D E-M1
The little shadows knock it out for this one. Love it for the shapes and textures. You sure have a way with leaves. Gorgeous little scene full of mystery.
I find much to enjoy about this image; Probably will look at it many times. The overall composition suggests the leaves are flowing from their corner to the relatively negative space in the opposite corner. I do not perceive the scene being in water, but the mystery of the buds and leaves somehow floating above the rocks is entrancing.
Really superb composition Ola. There is nothing to suggest that this is an underwater shot or at least a shot of things in the water. I never would have guessed. Everything in the composition is in just the right place like a perfectly created bouquet. The shadows in the URC are terrific. Really great find.
Ola, the transparent space between the leaves and the stones shows that they are floating on the water otherwise the were flying! The same for the shadows of the leaves over the rocks. I like the photo. The leaves came from the birches?
This doesn’t look underexposed to me at all. It’s subdued light, but to me not underexposed.
Interestingly, the way that I perceive this image is that the luminosity as presented makes it look like the water has disappeared. I downloaded the image and increased the exposure, and the brighter it got, the more it felt like it was underwater. The darker treatment thus adds a sense of mystery for me, like how are those leaves floating like this if there is no water? It made me engage more with the image.