
Moose maple is a favorite understory tree in my world and this early fall image is just one reason why. Parallel, yes, and, as a bonus lots of great texture and jagged edges. All at about eight feet away!

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Technical Details

Sony 6000, 1/400, f/9.0, 200mm, ISO1600 with adjustments in LR to tone curves, sharpening and noise reduction.

1 Like

A great composition of this small scene. I really like your framing, and the colors and patterns/texture are very good.

John, I like the patterns in the leaves and how they connect at the tips. The leaf in the background on the right edge is a bit distracting so I would recommend a tighter crop on the main leaves in the foreground. Perhaps a square crop would help simplify the overall scene. Good eye spotting this scene.

Thank you!

A beautiful image with great colour and the detail of the leaves connecting makes the composition. To me, it feels like these two leaves are communicating and I love the idea of that! You have found a great way to attract the attention to the graceful beauty of the tapering tips. I also like how the dark negative shapes between the leaves enhance the finely serrated edges of the leaves.

And, definitely, darkening the yellow leave in the background as @Alfredo_Mora suggested further strengthens the composition.