Life Cycle

I saw this lovely ending to my favorite rose and went in to get my camera. This rose is lovely in all stages of life. I love the “spaghetti” of seeds and the remnant of pink petals.

Specific Feedback Requested

Composition & background. While the very top is not in focus, I felt the seed were the focus of the shot. Any comments are welcome!

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Olympus OMD II, ISO 200, 60mm macro lens, f/3.5 1/200 sec.

Hi Ann,

The f/stop you chose gives this an incredible oof background the frames the flower so nicely. I think this is awesome.

I agree! The decline of flowers can yield wonderful images. My only suggestion is to lower the saturation of the greens in the BG – they compete a bit with the subject. If that messes up the greens in the subject, and you use PS, Select > Subject and inverse should work very well without too much fiddling with perfection of the selection.

This might also have the structure to make a lovely B/W.

I’ve been meaning to pop in here, but kept forgetting. It is interesting to see the parts of the flower normally hidden by the petals. The two remaining are a little sad, but hopefully this one became a fruit for future generations. I wish it was among others to tell more a story, this isolation is a bit too singular to hold my interest long. You got the focus perfect though…all those little strands are marvelous. It seems a tiny bit magenta to me - the background especially, but that could be me.

Thank you @David_Bostock , @Diane_Miller , @Kris_Smith for your comments! Diane, I have reposted the image after toning down the greens and also trying to lighten some of the darker spots in the BG. Added some vignette. Great suggestion and tip for how to in PS. I agree, Kristen, the BG does have more magenta, but it doesn’t bother me.

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I like the toned down version! The magenta in the back doesn’t bother me as it repeats the color of the petals and suggests more blossoms.