This small stream is only this full after a good rain. The rocks, leaves and reflections is a calming image.
Specific Feedback Requested
Composition, color and sharpness
Technical Details
Canon 80D
EF-100-400mm 4.5/5.6 @ 277mm
1/10 2 @ F-13 ISO 100
Thanks for the submitting the following image for the critique.
I can see how this small stream would give you a feeling of calm and relaxation. The water making its way downstream passing over various rocks, with the various water colors would give you a feeling of zen. When composing this scene, what did you want your subject to be? Is the scene about the water, is it about the rocks, or the leaves? Trying to find that right balance to bring everything together in a harmonious way is the tricky part.
I’m trying to make a connection here with the compostion but im struggling a bit. I am having a hard time trying to find a point of interest within the scene. The water reflections on the left looks interesting, but there’s nothing holding that area together for me to study more. Maybe next time when you are in the area, try and pick a specific part of the stream that interest you, zoom in, and focus on the smaller details of the scene. You have the 100mm-400mm lens…try looking at those scenes past 300mm. It will open up a whole new world of the finer, or intimate views of the landscape/scene.
The sharpness of the image looks great in the center of the frame. The edges are soft because of the longer focal length you used. Focus stacking is an option for the softer edges. And you can’t go wrong with Canon colors! Always juicy and vibrant 
Hope this sheds some light your image John. If you have any more questions, feel free to reach out to me.
Thank you for taking the time to critique my Little Stream photo . I will look at re-doing this photo with your comments in mind.