Small Stream

While in Colorado shooting fall colors, I came upon this small stream. It might be 4 feet wide and only a few inches deep. I played in the stream for a couple of hours enjoying the peaceful sounds of the water and finding, tuning, and refining compositions. The light came and went through the canopy of trees and was ever changing. Just a lovely way to spend some peaceful photographic time.

Specific Feedback Requested


Technical Details

Olympus EM1-III
12-40 f/2.8 @ 14mm
ISO 200
1.3 seconds, f/16

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Gorgeous, Keith. The kind of “wish I was there” scene. The blurring on the stream is perfect, at least for me and the diagonal flow of the stream/composition works very well leading through the image. Sounds like an amazing afternoon.

Sounds like a wonderfully meditative way to spend a couple hours. I love those moments in a beautiful area of nature when the mind can wander its creative side.

Your efforts paid off; this is a great little slice of beauty. I think the creamy water matches the mood you describe well, but with that said, not being there I’d prefer just a touch more detail. The greens seem a bit dull, and when I played with shifting the image a little towards cyan I thought things improved. If you wanted to keep the redder rock, you could just adjust the greens.

Thanks @John_Williams . I did take a quick look with a bit of cyan. I think I’ll work it selectively with that in mind. Appreciate the feedback.

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