Live from Borneo - Rework

Original Image as submitted

Reworked image per suggestions

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Stumbled on this specimen on a hike through a rain forest in Borneo. I wanted to isolate the lizard from the background.

Specific Feedback

I am trying to capture sharper images and focus on the “eye” of the subject. In this case I wanted to isolate the lizard from the background with narrow depth of field. I used Lightroom Classic to process the image. How could I improve this image?

Technical Details

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

I think that you were able to isolate the lizard from the BG adequately. The bright yellow area in the BG does pull the eye from the subject. You may want to run some noise removing software as there is a hint of graininess in parts of the lizard and in the BG. For animal shots, try providing more room up at the top which will improve the comp. The head is nice and sharp and details look good…Jim

Awww what a little cutie. I love lizards (kept an iguana for a while, too) and this is such a cheeky and engaging pose. Look at those knees! They’re so agile and fast. Great job spotting and getting a shot off. I echo Jim’s assessment, but also wonder if an alternate framing would be more effective by placing the little one in the left side of the frame. With folks whose languages read right to left, this can result in a more accessible and engaging photo.

Looking forward to seeing any changes you make. Showing your edited image side by side with the original image is a good idea. Viewers won’t have to scroll up and down to search for the edited image. While doing this, it is also helpful to edit the post’s title to indicate a revised image. Here’s what I suggest:

At the bottom of your post, click the pencil to edit the post. You are then taken to the edit mode of your entry. If you want the edited image to appear first, I suggest placing the cursor at the top before the original image. Otherwise, go to the line after the original image and upload the new image. Since you are in edit mode, you can add new text before/after the images to ensure viewers know the original and edited versions. You can also edit the post’s title and add something to indicate a reworked or newly edited image. For example, some people add (+ rework) after the post title. I hope this helps.


Thanks, Jim. I much appreciate the constructive feedback.

Thanks, Kristen. The critique and suggestions to repost were extremely helpful. I took all the suggestions and revised the image.