
The same lizard that I posted yesterday was taken at different perspective with backlit. I could not avoid the nail on the top left hand corner and therefore kept it as part of the capture.

Specific Feedback Requested

Need expert’s comments and suggestions, how I could have done better on this particular case

Technical Details

Canon 7 D Mark II with 100-400 mm lens. Aperture = 5.6, shutter speed = 1/320, ISO = 100.

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Eeek! Missed commenting here when I first saw this little cutie. I wish we had lizards here in Wisconsin, but other than some stragglers down south it’s just too cold for them. What a great catch you have here. It looks positively tiny. Can you share how large this one is and if it’s an adult?

I like the idea of this, but wonder if it could benefit from a few things - a bit of a crop to just feature the head and front legs. The thing in the back, is it a nail, is really distracting as are the bright bits below. And I think you could bring up some exposure and the shadows just a little bit in the body itself. I really like the rim lighting though - it highlights the shape and sinuous quality of the lizard really well. And if you’re going to be very fussy, yo could close the light bit of the opposite leg out as well.

If you decide to make changes and have a new photo, click the pencil icon in your post to edit and add the photo there. You can also edit the title with something like + Re-edit to let us know you’ve done it.

Cheers, and sorry for the late reply!