Lonesome Pillings

Critique Style Requested: Initial Reaction

Please share your immediate response to the image before reading the photographer’s intent (obscured text below) or other comments. The photographer seeks a genuinely unbiased first impression.

Questions to guide your feedback

Just curious of initial reactions to this image. Negative space images often leave a lot to the imagination and so each persons reactions may be very different.

John, my first reaction is a mix of vastness, calmness, and solitude. The juxtaposition of the dark wood against that thin line in the BG is perfect, and so is the color palette.

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My reactions is: classic!! And classy! Beauty in simplicity. Perfection in alignment of forms.

The irregularity in the shapes and spacing of the pilings is fascinating and the distant hint of land is wonderful! I love that the land comes to an end on the right before the edge of the frame! And the subtle vignette is wonderful!

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Hi @John_Pedersen - I like this image a lot. For me, the gray sky and dark pilings convey a somber mood. I really like the subtle reflection of the pilings and the glints of light on the surface of the water. Thanks for sharing this!

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