Look Over Shoulder

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


On a walk and there it is. Round White Rock on a Black Flat Rock… I thought how unusual. So I took a couple shots and really tried to Bring to Contrast out in this Image. Not much editing. you never know what you may see. and Keep it Fun !!!

Specific Feedback

I really like the contrast and the shapes in tis image. I could have framed it different but I did capture the vision I was going for. A Simple Image !!! any suggestions on my composition… Would you have taken this shot. Is this too simple and what do other photographers think…

Technical Details

ISO 400 Shutter 11 f 14 edit in photoshop using my dodge tool the most…

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:
1 Like

I really like this image. I would agree that it was a shot worth taking. Contrast is pretty cool in this one. I think the composition is really good. I’d be interested to see some other compositions with a little more in the frame to give some context, but that’s not really a critique, mostly just my curiosity speaking.

Thanks. The contrast is what drew my eye to take a couple shots.
The simplicity and tone was my vision when I did some simple edits. Real different and I’m always looking for the different vibe. Thanks again.

Both the light/dark and shape contrasts stand out, Gil. It’s good to see the subtle textures in the black rock. I do think that a bit of burning (or maybe just a touch more contrast) in the brightest parts of the round rock might be good.

An interesting find, Gill. I think B&W really works for this. When I bring it up in large view the white portions in the center and left side of the rock seems to be a bit too bright and so losing some of the texture in those areas. Could be my old eyes. Nicely seen and captured.

Gil: When I first glanced at the thumbnail my first irreverent thought was, “why would someone post an ostrich egg?” I’m glad I opened the large version. I think this is a testimony to well attuned vision. I often have people ask me what I’m shooting, especially macro, until I let them look through the viewfinder or the screen and then they say, “I would never have imagined.” I think this is one of those subjects; easy to pass by but with a good eye can become a successful image. On my screen the tonal values look pretty good and I’m enjoying the disparate textures of the “egg” and the nest. Well seen and nicely captured and presented. >=))>

Thanks Everyone was showing interest. I burned the white of the rock as far as I could and still keep some white. I thought of Ansel Adams zone system and wondered what he would have done. Editing can be a challenge for me. I use Photoshop like a darkroom. Keep it simple and try to use basic tools to make my images look the best I can. There are so many Photographers here on the NPN that are Amazing at their editing skills. We change light like the Old Masters which (I admire so much) to get a new visual of something we shoot. All ways learning and trying. Thanks again for eveyones comments. Peace !!!

Very interesting textures here, which the B and W brings out very well. You dodged the blacks so why not burn the whites a wee bit, as suggested? Excellent and eye-catching composition. Kudos.

I completely missed this one until now! The tonal values look fine to me – some areas on the white rock have less detail but not an issue for me. Possibly they were just a bit ahead of the focal plane, and didn’t have a lot of detail anyway. Congratulations on the EP – well-deserved!

When I’m after more detail in whites, after pulling the Highlights slider as far as it looks good in raw, I’ll increase the Texture slider a little. Then in PS I can use the Detail Extractor in Nik ColorEfex, often with only an area not masked out. It pays to play with the different parameters in DE.

Thanks. Should I purchase Silver Efex Pro. As a plug in.

I’m learning as I go. Going to the shore soon to shoot for next image video. My image and music videos are now my main path to express myself. To put the two together. I love being a member of the NPN. Great people on this site.

Peace to our Planet. :pray::earth_americas::pray:

I have Silver Efex but don’t use it as much because it only gives a slightly different look compared to doing a B/W layer in PS, or a B/W conversion in LR. (I assume ACR also has the same B/W capability.) But it does offer a range of general tonal adjustments and some frame effects. I do the general adjustments in LR or PS and then do a B/W layer above and then I can modify the adjustment layers below.

But if you haven’t gotten into adjustment layers yet, SEP is a very good one-stop solution.

(And I would highly recommend learning the power of adj layers. They are very powerful and easy to use.)

An unusual but very effective image, Gil - good eye to have seen this .
I like the B&W contrast and the detail in the rock. I agree that burning down the bright rock just a touch might improve this even further.
Congrats on a nice EP!

Thanks so much…