Please share your immediate response to the image before reading the photographer’s intent (obscured text below) or other comments. The photographer seeks a genuinely unbiased first impression.
Questions to guide your feedback
This is not a recent image but would love to see initial reactions (in terms of composition and technicalities) from the experts here.
Abbas, this has a strong “classic western scene” feeling, with the trail ride heading into the mountains. Doing this in black & white fits that feeling well. The scene is well composed with a good combination of human interest and mountain drama. I do think that you’ve overdone the dodging of the clearing and the riders, making it seem like there was a spot light on that area. I do agree with having that area be somewhat brighter that the surroundings.
I love the depth of this image Abbas. Beautiful mountains and beautiful trees. As Mark has said, “this has a strong “classic western scene” feeling,” with the tiny group of riders.
Black and White is my favorite photography. I think this a great image !!! I think what you dodged is fine. I like the contrast with the foreground … very cool sky !!!
The story this image tells is exciting. I am not bothered by the dodging, but that is probably because I tend to be a bit heavy-handed when using light to direct the viewer’s eye.