Lovely Dead Crap

I was in the 3,000 foothills of Sequoia National Park and found these intriguing old buds along the roadside. I enjoyed the flow of the branches and buds. I have not found out what they are yet. I love the structure and design of these beauties.

Specific Feedback Requested

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Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Olympus OMD EM5 Mark III, Olympus 40-150 Pro 2.8, ISO 400, 150mm, f2.8, 1/30 sec, handheld.

Lightroom lower highlights slight shadow raise slight Texture added


Ken: As winter is now in full swing here in NJ, my outdoor shooting of plants has ended for the season. The very last subject I shot was the seed pods on the Rose of Sharon shrubs in the yard as they shuit down for the season. By mid-December, they were barren and the seeds pods appeared to be dead. But they weren’t dead. I started doing a series of shots starting in mid- November that followed selected seed pods over the next month as they continued to develop, open, and disgorge their seeds in mid-December

. Those in your image appear to still contain theirs. It might be worth a revisit to see if there has been any change.

Well for lovely dead crap its pretty darn good. I love the veins (?) in these buds would love a closeup on just those as the twig coming around them is distracting to me. Not sure you were looking for feedback but great catch seeing these - they are super cool.

Thanks for the suggestion. I will look for them

Thank you and I am always looking for real feedback. I say "real "as all friends and family do not give you the real feedback. I may have to go re-visit with my Macro lens…

Also #lovelydeadcrap is a fantastic ig tag I learned about from @AnneBelmont

Very nice light and interesting subject. Would have been nice, if you could reach it, to break off the curved twig underneath the seed pods, then maneuver the view slightly to try for different arrangements of the pods. I like the yellow in the BG.