The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Yesterday we had bright sun along with high water in the Potomac River, excellent conditions for mistbows and lots of splashing at Great Falls. Here’s one view where I wanted to emphasize the violent splashing along with the colors in the bow.
Technical Details
R5, 100-500 @ 400, 1/13 s, f/20, iso 100, tripod, polarizer and 2 stop ND filter. This shutter speed does a good job of catching the motion without slowing it into a total blur.
I like this a lot. Reminds me of some of Monet’s work with his water lily garden he did towards the end of his life. The amount of color saturation is about right here for my taste.
This is a wonderful abstract of a mistbow and the torrents of water raging at Great Falls. I have to get down there again as it has been years since my last visit. Nicely done, no suggestions from me.