Making a choppy water serene

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Hi. I was recently in Bella Coola Canada to photograph bears. While I did get some, I also saw this old wharf and wanted to try to do some slow shutter work with a ND Vari filter. After some playing around I managed to get a few images, it was harder that I thought it would be, especially to get it not too bright. While not perfect, its a first attempt.

Specific Feedback

Was wondering why the back water is not as smooth as the foreground water. I was shooting my sony mirrorless . As stated above, first attempt. And it was daylight and very windy, so many of my shots were blurry from the movement of the tripod. I forgot mine back in the cabin, and borrowed a friends whose is not as steady. Mostly I was trying to just nail down how to do this technique. And it didn’t feel the same as when I shoot, for example, a waterfall. I know it has to be the same, but…it felt different, the lighting etc. Thank you!

Technical Details


Hi Judi,
Your question on the two different waters could probably be answered by just that - they are two different waters, and the waves were probably moving differently. I like the effect of the horizontal waves in the background and the still reflections in the foreground - almost like an optical illusion. I think that the whites are very bright and keep pulling my eyes up and down and then across, but I love the peaceful reflections . In the wind at 10 seconds, it would be very difficult to get no movement, but you did great. I am sure others will have more constructive feedback, as everyone sees something different. Great “first attempt”.

Hi, Judi. I agree with @robertakayne that 10 seconds is challenging in a windy situation. But, as she says, you nailed it. I have dropped the ISO lower than 100, so you can use a faster shutter speed. I like the way you show the full reflection. I wish I could see just a bit more of the wave action in the background. It looks like you are getting the technique “nailed” down. Thanks for sharing the lovely picture with us.

A lovely scene! The BG waves have more movement so it would take longer to blur them than the gentler FG waves. To get long enough exposures with normal daylight you will need a neutral density filter. You’ll want 8-10 stops. If you find you need faster shutter speeds just raise the ISO.

It’s not a question of how fast the water is moving. It’s a question of how fast the water is moving across your sensor. If the foreground and background is moving at the same rate the foreground water will move across the sensor much faster than the background water. Hold your finger 4 inches in front of you and move it left to right. Notice how much of your field of vision that took. Now hold your finger 2 feet away from you and move it the same distance left to right. Notice how little amount of your field of vision that took.

So in order to get the same blur in fg as in bg they need to be shot at different shutter speeds. However, there is a certain amount of bourriness beyond which more appears the same. So photographers shoot at a speed appropriate for the bg blurriness and the fg comes out blurry as well. This is all to say that you needed a slower shutter speed to make ALL the water look smooth.

It looks to me like the water in the background has some sort of fairly steady pattern on it, if you compare the water between the two rows of the stakes you will see pattern at the left half but smooth surface on the right hands side, these are at more or less same distance from the camera, that suggests to me that the discturbances are of a different character. I think you need much longer exposure times for this type of a shot, especially on a windy day. But I rather like the photo this way, I think the difference in the textures adds to the interest.

Judi, I agree with the comments shared previously and don’t have much to add other than to say your first attempt is very successful even if you didn’t get the desired results. The image is captivating and allows viewers to explore the different textures between the FG and BG. Clearly, based on the crop you chose, the image is about the reflections. The bright areas on the top do keep pulling my eyes there, but the very tight crop there tells me to go back. I wonder if allowing a little more space on the top and lowering the highlights there would have any significant impact and make the image even better. I’m just curious about that and not necessarily recommending that change. This is a very calming and pleasing image.

That is a great recommendation and I will give it a try! Thanks so much for your feedback.

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It was a windy day, and the tripod did shake sometimes even tho i tried my best to break the wind with my body or my sweatshirt. Maybe that was the disturbance? I’m excited to try this technique again someplace closer to home where I can play with no rushing. Thanks much. Oh, I also agree I need a longer shutter. I am going to take a zoom class with a photographer from Portland, OR who does this type of technique all the time…the class is on Tuesday. I hope to gain some knowledge then too. Fingers crossed…lol Thanks again.

Thanks…will work on this. Am taking a zoom class on Tuesday of slow shutter speed work. Will see if anything helps me understand it all more. Thanks again.

Thank you Diane! I’m “coming down” off a 11 day trip to Canada, but will get back out shooting very soon to work on this technique. It wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be, as far as getting the super long shutter speed and correct exposure. But, will continue to work on it. :slight_smile:

Thank you Barbara! I appreciate your comment.

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Thank you Roberta! I appreciate the feedback.

Judi, the luminous light, the subdue neutral colors, the foggy reflections give to me a feeling of peace and calm. I have read with great attention the instructive technical comments, anyway I love the photo as it is, may be with more space in the top.

Hi, I agree, needs more space at the top. But, I can do some however the shoreline with tree’s was on the other side. I think that is why I cropped it as I did. But I can add some more there…good idea and thank you for your comment! It also gives me a calm feeling as well.