My favorite local hummingbird is the male rufous and I was fortunate to have a rarely appearing one show up this morning at our feeder.
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D500, Nikon 200-500 lens, Nikon 1.4 TC, monopod, 1/2500th, 700mm, ISO 6400, DeNoise AI, cropped to 2453 x 2567.
Well done. Nice capture, Dave. The shutter speed was fine, allowing for just a hint of blur in the wings, which gives it a sense of motion. Terrific.
Nice light here. I saw a lone Rufous a few days ago peacefully co-existing with the crowd of Anna’s, and haven’t had time to try to ambush any of them.
Hi Dave
It is always a joy to see Humming Birds. They are very hard to photograph and a lot of fun to watch. Nice shot.