Mallard Drake in flight

Taken several years ago at an urban location. This is 90% of full frame and high ISO 4500. Duck was in shaded area and rather close for 500mm. Hope it isn’t too saturated?

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Is this a composite: No
ISO 4500, 500 mm PF, F7 .1, 3200th, Nikon D 500

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Mallards are such colorful species. Great catch in flight, David. I like the placement in the frame and the close crop works too. Nicely done.

I saw this image yesterday and didn’t have time to comment. I was most surprised to see the lack of comments today.

Ducks may be fairly common, but you’ve captured the beauty that we tend to overlook in the common. Great pose full of energy. The droplets of water are the icing on the cake.

The image doesn’t appear to be oversaturated. Colours are rich, but not overdone.

Very nice, David. I like the angle you caught and the typical landing pose. The saturation looks good to my eye.

Wonderful catch full of energy that is nicely enhanced by the image quality! Saturation looks good to me. I have a lot of trouble with their green heads being too dark, and you did an excellent job on that here.

Nice, sharp landing pose. Colors look good and I like the colors of the water and background.

Hi David
You have made the common Mallard look special. The framing, saturation and eye contact have put this Mallard back on the front page of birding.