Critique Style Requested: Standard
The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Out shooting at an industrial park , captured this image looking for something different …
For Fun
Specific Feedback
maybe to busy or blown out in spots !!!
Technical Details
ISO 200 shutter 400 f16
Gill, a pretty intense looking power line structure. The dark BG provides an excellent outline of the entire structure. I do agree on your point about hot-spots on the exposure. Although the detail is still there as near as I can tell. Maybe just some toning down of those areas might work just fine. … 
Cool lines and geometries in this maze, Gil. I like the black and white and like @Paul_Breitkreuz I don’t see anything really blown out. I could see losing the unconnected piece of apparatus intruding into the bottom of the frame.
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Thanks for the tip! Yes I thought about removing the piece at the bottom …i had shoulder surgery and got lazy on photoshop. i just wanted to post something just to be a part of the NPN latest contributions … so many great images and photographers …
thanks again
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Another awesome image, Gill – I think you’ve found your niche!! I’m not usually a fan of high contrast but it works for me here.
I’d vote for removing the stray piece at the bottom and adding a little canvas at the top would work for me.
I hope the shoulder heals quickly – and the hand, I think it was…
Thanks for the advice. I saw your solar eclipse images. Wrote a comment STELLAR IMAGES.
Fixed what i could better image thanks for showing interest