Maple Leaves-Yosemite

I found these Maple leaves floating on a pool in Yosemite a few years ago, and thought I’d tweak it, and post to the new NPN.

Nikon D-7100
Nikkor DX 18-140.

Any thoughts you may have will be appreciated. :smile:


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This looks really nice, Preston. Very minor, but I might burn the leaf center on the left edge. A fine small scene.

Preston, to me it’s just like a bunch of flowers in good colors. Nice work.

Preston, looks really good to me with regard to all the fine detail throughout. I could see some minor D&B here and there, but nothing beyond that…:+1:

btw: when I first saw this one I thought it was an older Astia image reworked. Just had that neat yellow that the Astia chrome could really produce nicely…:sunglasses:

It’s been a while since we’ve seen these yellow maples from you. The overall luminosity is wonderful. I like all those pine needles scattered about. Don’t know what to suggest. There seems to be uneven light throughout this intimate. Not sure if this is due sunlight peering through or due to post processing.

Beautiful, understated intimate, Preston. I love the subtle color tones - nothing over-baked. Processing looks good to me.

Preston, this looks great. The collection of shapes and colors is lovely. I especially like the change-of-pace that the curled leaf, left of center, adds.

Love this Preston! Right up my alley - the colors are rich and vibrant and well within the realm of choice and believability. I would agree with Mr. H. on the small sliver of leaf on the left edge, but that’s pretty minor.

Ironically, I was just photographing a somewhat similar scene on the Merced just about 9 short hours ago (which explains why I didn’t respond sooner…) :slight_smile:

No other nits or suggestions, this is beautifully photographed, processed and presented.


I just love looking at this! It’s wonderful.