Maples in the Fall


Norway Maple (yellow) and Japanese Red Maple (red)

Specific Feedback Requested:

any and all are welcome

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

Is this a composite? (focus stacks or exposure blends are not considered composites)

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James, the red maple leaves stand out very well. However, this week’s theme asked for red, green and blue together. This would look good in the Macro Gallery. I can move it if you want, just let me know.

This is such a happy photo. Makes me yearn for autumn. I wonder if it could be brightened a bit. I guess I misunderstood the challenge because yellow and red are primary colors and I didn’t know it was to have three colors in a photo. Anyway, I like the image.

Ok move it ,since it doesn’t fit the current Challenge criteria. Sorry for the mistake,I didn’t realize that all 3 colors must be present.

James: The WC loss is the Macro gain. Really nice comp and contrast . My only tiny <1 cent nit would be for a bit more room on the left for the upper red leaf. Nice find and a solid capture. >=))>

James, this is a nice pleasing image with the reds and yellows. I agree with Bill about the upper red leaf, but it is still a fine image as presented.