Marbled Godwit's In Flight

Most of the time, avian photographers try to avoid blue sky in favor of an interesting creamy smooth background. These shorebirds were caught in the flock above the waterline.

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Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
ISO 160, 400+1.4 X, F5 .6, 2000th, 7% of full frame. A very large crop. Sony A1


Very interesting looking birds. I’ve never heard of them. What a great capture. They are so incredibly crisp and clear. I have the greatest respect for photographers who can capture great bird photos. Nicely done.

An excellent in-flight capture, David! You’re right about blue sky not being a popular background for avian photography but this does have an advantage of focusing the attention on the birds.

This looks totally natural to me, David. The trio of birds show excellent detail and stand out well against the blue.