May Day On Mount San Gorgonio

May Day On Mount San Gorgonio + reworked

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I am having fun with my Sony camera converted to infrared.

Specific Feedback

All feedback is welcome

Technical Details

Sony a6000 converted for infrared. Handheld. ISO 1250, f/11, 1/1250 sec.
Processed in LR and PS using Topas DeNoise and luminosity masking with TK9 masks and actions with final touches in Nik Silver Efx Pro.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

That palm tree turned out great; it really jumps out at me.

While I find what infrared does with vegetation fascinating, I’m not so sure about the sky/cloud/mountain here. That upper right quadrant seems muted and somewhat incongruent with the rest of the image.

John, I agree that there is a balance problem in the composition which you have highlighted. I did try to lighten the clouds and the mountain, but perhaps more dodging might help. Of course, I could crop out most of the mountain, but that is rather the story of the shot. I’m not sure if color would have helped the balance issue. Thanks for commenting.

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Barbara, on my computer the sky doesn’t go with the rest of the image. Seems kind of muddy and quite noisy. Also I notice what looks like incomplete cloning out of wires or something on the right. Maybe it’s just something in the landscape.

My thanks to @Michael_Lowe and @John_Williams for their very constructive feedback. I have reworked the image. The grain in the final image was introduced by Silver Efx Pro. I removed it with Topaz DeNoise and then dodged areas in the clouds and the snow on the mountain. The tint and border were then added with Silver Efx Pro. I am also much happier with the tighter crop. The mountain now takes more of the center stage. Thank you both.

Looks great :+1:

Your rework with the crop has placed more of an emphasis on the mountain which is the star of the show IMO. The dodging on the clouds has also made them stand out better. My only suggestion would be to dial back on the DeNoise just a little as seems to have made the mountain a little soft. Sounds like you are having fun with the IR.

Thanks, Ed. I agree about the soft mountain. I was having trouble with DeNoise and gave up on it. I probably need to start over from the RAW file and edit it again. I didn’t want to take the time to do that, but it shows!

I prefer the tighter crop. I might darken the mountain leading up to the snow a bit to more isolate the snow.

Thanks, @Ronald_Murphy . I do plan to work more on that mountain area.