Minimalistic B&W of Multnomah Falls OR.

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Again, this is an image in a B&W conversion where I made everything dark around the waterfall, except for the bridge this was done on purpose. Sometimes rules need to be broken.

Specific Feedback

Any feedback welcome please.

Technical Details

Canon 5d2

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:
1 Like

Hi Danny,
It is great to think outside the box and break the rules now and then. I applaud your effort here, but being honest this just doesn’t work for me; and it doesn’t have to; as long as you are happy with the end result. The right and left sides are just to dark for my tastes. Keep on experimenting.

I agree breaking that rules is not always a bad thing. I like this. It’s original enough that I want to keep looking at it…like maybe there’s something interesting hidden in the darkness. For some reason I think of the classic TV show…“The Twighlight Zone.” I think it would look great with smoother water and cleaner details on the bridge. I could see this in an art gallery.

Danny: I suspect you will get a full spectrum of comments on this one but for me it spiked the :scream:-meter. Ever since I was a little kid coming into Portland on the Union Pacific City of Portland on the Oregon side of the river or the Great Northern Empire Builder on the Washington side, going past the falls told me we were getting close to our final destination. I’ve only been there a small handful of times as an adult but this really brought back some good memories. Nicely conceived and executed. >=))>

I like this - to me, the bridge is the main event and the waterfall the context. The two separate pieces of waterfall, not aligned, add to the bridge and emphasize rugged territory. A bold photo.

I would like to compare it to another version where the surrounds of the waterfall are in the 0 to 2 segments of Ansel Adam’s monochrome zone system.

I find this one interesting Danny, because it has almost become a cut-out image. I’ve seen pictures made by etching paper with a black surface and a white core, and this reminds me of that. It’s an artistic decision, and I respect it; it’s not something that I do, but it’s fun to appreciate.

My only question mark is how tight the falls are to the border. It feels constricted to me. If your original has more room at the bottom and the top, I’d consider adding some back. On the other hand, since it is all black, you could add a touch of black canvas to the top and bottom prior to the white frame. However, I also like it with the top and bottom cropped; it adds to the surrealism for me.

I really like this Image. It is different and you had this great vision on how to capture this waterfall and question the eye. GREAT … Love the contrast and composition is so unique. Very Cool Image !!!

I prefer the version with the added black border because the waterfall is now constrained within the frame and seems taller.

Danny, this is a very artistic rendition. I think your focus on the bridge and having the two drops not line up works well. I do think that John’s crop makes the viewing “more comfortable”, of course that may not be where you want this to go…