The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Pied-billed Grebe (Podilymbus podiceps)
I had the pleasure of watching this fellow grow up with his mom feeding him. Finally, she had enough and forced him to get his own food. Pretty fun image here, I think.
Very cool story told by this image, David, and an excellent image. I don’t know why, since I’ve seen plenty of adults, but I don’t recall ever seeing a youngster of this species.
Awww, that’s one needy kid. I guess they push it as long as they can. The interaction is great and I like the placement in the frame with the ripples that infer movement and action. I think you could bring the blacks down a little bit and add a touch of magenta to the tone range. The story plays out well in that you can imagine mom just having enough with this kid already.
This is probably a bit of a nit, and it would mean loosing some of the nice ripples on the LHS, but my first impression was that there is a little too much space there.
@mdjnewman, tried the crop you suggested. Not sure it helps or hurts. It does put both heads dead center…
@Kris_Smith I brought the blacks down a bit which adds a bit of contrast. Nice. And, adding Magenta? Tall order for me, because, color. I gave it a try and am posting the image here for comments. If you all like it, then I’ll add it to the top.
Hi David, I like the repost up top. It gives a richness to the birds’ colors. The waves in upper left provide an interesting leading line to birds and also their nice reflection. Cool behavioral interaction you captured. Well done.