Momma Time

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Last Spring on a trip to Yellowstone NP I found a den with 8 kits. When I arrived at the scene there were only one or to kits running about. However, after a short period of time all chaos broke out and 8 kits were running around chasing each other, wrestling and having fun. Soon the momma showed up and just sat on higher ground watching over things. I was busy trying to catch some of the play action when I noticed that one of the kits had wandered up to momma and was interacting with her. I caught several images, but this one was my favorite.

Specific Feedback

I did basic clean up to try to improve the busy background. I would love any critic of things I could do to improve the image.

Technical Details

Canon R5 on tripod with Canon EF 600L F4.0
Settings: ISO 2500, 840 mm using 1.4 extender, f/8.0, 1/1000sec
processed in LR and PS, Topaz for noise reduction

Hi, Alexander Willem, you made a wonderfull picture! Wow, what an experience to see such a moment. I can see both from their best side, they are perfect. The ears both diagonal, their shoulders in diagonal line, 4 visible legs. Aesthetic is the background the weak part of the photo, maybe you can crop the left and right side? Thank you for sharing this!

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Hello, Alexander Willem, what a lovely image. It is a great rieminder to remember to look around every now and then to catch what else might be happening. Mom is taking a moment also to nuzzle, which is special. I agree that cropping in the sides may leave less distraction. A bit of vignetting may also highlight the pair. Nice to see the work of getting there pay off.

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