Hey, Mom!

Two kits testing their mother’s seemingly infinite patience as she tries to relax in the shade.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any. I wish the one kit hadn’t been mostly hidden, but so it goes.

Technical Details

Canon 60D, Canon 70-300 IS USM Zoom, f/8, 1/250 sec., ISO 800. Processed in ACR and PSE 2020 for cropping and exposure. Topaz De-noise.


The evolving story of your foxy neighbors is always a treat, Terry. You get such intimate and quotidian shots, but they’re always interesting. Kids are a trial, aren’t they? LOL.

Hi, Terry. Moms are always so patient. This is a very nice family portrait. Your remark about the almost hidden kitten brings to mind that with wildlife we take what we get. If anything at all, it’s nice to have the second kitten not clearly shown. For my eyes, that keeps me locked in on the photo subject. Nothing distracts me because I want to see those hidden feet, ears, etc. The color contrast is really very nice, too.

Thanks @Kris_Smith. They are definitely a treat to observe and photograph. Even though the subjects are mostly the same day-to-day, the behavior is seemingly endlessly varied. The little ones are certainly trying to their parents, but entertaining to me!

Thanks @Egídio. You’re right; nothing like a mothers’ love and patience!

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A wonderful photo and I think that what you were able to get is quite good. Your comp is fine and the poses reveal the story of being a mom. Never ending work for an animal in the wild. Well done…Jim

Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comments @Jim_Zablotny.