Montana Winter Cottonwood Stand

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Would appreciate feedback on:

  1. Is deadfall on ground distracting?
  2. Tighter crop on left to elimate some of shadow?

Critical welcome / appreciated

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

5 stitch pano.

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

This is pretty. Except for the stump on the far right of the frame, I have no nits. The shadow acts as a very nice contrasting line to the vertical trees supported by the lines in the BG.

This is great as-is George, and I certainly can stay with this version. My tastes often run to the stark however, so it would sure be interesting to see the deadfall removed along with the dead branch on the right, making the shadows more prominent, I think. In that regard, I’d have to reserve judgment about the shadow on the left, because it just might work very well with more prominent shadows under the tree.

I’m reminded of Sandy’s remarkable photo of the buffalo on snow.

This looks great. I might experiment with a crop off the left of half the space between the left edge and far left branch. Not sure which way looks better, but it looks great as presented. No other thoughts or suggestions, just enjoyable viewing.

Excellent capture, George. As for your two criteria, the deadfall doesn’t bother me in the least. Actually, I usually enjoy those little bits of nature that are “thrown in” because without them the scene would appear too sterile. As for cropping the left side, I vote no. As is, the image is nicely balanced. If you don’t like the shadows on the left, you might try to dodge them or even clone them, but they don’t bother me at all just as they are as they seem to balance out the shadows on the far right side.

That covers your requested criteria; my criteria is “Does this image evoke a emotional response?” I would give it two thumbs up for sure. I love the starkness of the scene especially since it doesn’t appear over the top. An earlier comment mentioned the stump on the right - I think it would improve the overall image if that stump were taken out but it’s certainly not a deal breaker at all. Most people (buyers) will probably never notice it. Your post processing looks very good as well. Very impressive image.

I too like this image very much as is. Neat shot!

Keep the deadfall, precisely because it IS a distraction.

I would not crop as the breathing space is needed and retains symmetry/balance. I would keep the fallen limb, but maybe experiment with cloning out the sharp stump on the right.

Very cool shot George, I don’t mind the shadow on the left as its balanced by the shadow on the right and I don’t mind the deadfall but I might try removing that stump on the right.

@Blake_Randall @Doug_Koepsel @Igor_Doncov @Bill_Chambers @Harley_Goldman @Hank_Pennington @Adhika_Lie

Thanks all for the feedback… revised / final image. Much appreciated.

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And worthy of your extra efforts! This is even better.