Moon over Norway

What technical feedback would you like if any?

any and all

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

any and all.

Any pertinent technical details:

14 seconds iso 2000 6 sec f2,8

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.


Wow! What a fantastic Northern Lights image! Having the moon “start” in there is an added and refreshing bonus. It’s hard to grasp the colors reflected on the beach… not something you see, but of course it accurately reflects the natural, ethereal colors of the aurora.

Minor suggestion would be to clone out the light source midway along the shore on the right. minor. Other wish would be for a shorter exposure for the moon so it didn’t elongate… but that’s minor as well. This is a terrific image. Thanks for sharing.


Striking image. I’ve not done any NL photography so don’t have much to suggest processing-wise. Compositionally, cropping some of the foreground beach that’s just sand would possibly move the mountains to a rule-of-thirds on the bottom and give more emphasis to the NLs at the top.

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Superb…the swirl is really nice, I think a crop off the top would enhance it more.

Amazing impact!! Since I don’t do night photography, I can’t comment on the techs, just the result… and that is perfect imo.

This is really nice! I love the patterns in the aurora and the fact that the overall image is bright enough that there is detail throughout the image. If it were mine, I would crop off a little off the bottom, just to below where the mountains are reflecting in the wet sand. I think it would help tighten up the image.

Great image, I really like it overall and love that sky.

The main thing that bothers me is the bright beach in the lower left. It really distracts from the main scene imo. So I cropped in a little, darkened the lower left and bottom, then brightened up the peak in the middle. Also, did a bit of overall adjustment with the tones. Made it a bit less green. Super quick in LR mobile so very rough edits.

A very lovely and unique take on this phenomenon. I love it.

This one is very hard for me to critique as all I want to do is stare at it until those lights move again. Wonderful shot and one I hope to emulate some day. The light/dark balance is well done although I feel the brights to the lover left draw my eye just a bit too much to that side of the image.