
When I look into a spider’s web at this time of year, in the sunlight, I sometimes feel I am looking at a mini-Kandinsky at work.

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Technical Details

D 500 + 105mm macro 1/400 f5.6 ISO 200 - adjusted Shadows, Highlights, Curves in PS and cropped a bit.

Mike, what a great find and capture. It almost looks like the circle of light in the top right is the “moon” in this moonwalk image! Wonderful colors in the web. I like it a lot.

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Mike, I’m thoroughly enjoying how you used that leaf coming in from the left corner and how well it fits with lines of diffracted colors from the web.


That’s an excellent photograph Mike. It really brings the viewer to the center of focus to the subject. And the colors are amazing with the reflection of the sunlight like that. I also agree that that leaf in the foreground is excellent. It was a great composition

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