"Morning Blues"

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Composition and post feedback is appreciated.

Any pertinent technical details:

1/25th, f11, ISO 100, 271mm

This is the second in a series of four images that I made last week in and around St. George, UT following an unusual series of snow stroms. My goal was to capture the essence of snow/cold in the high desert. This image is of the mountain range immediately west of St. George. Thank you in advance for feedback!!

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

Stellar conditions George. The “peeking” effect with the colorful light on the mountains works well. I’m conflicted on the amount of negative space, and the left side of the image is less dramatic. If you haven’t yet, you might play with cropping off some of the left and bottom to emphasize the dramatic parts more.


LOVE this! I don’t mind the negative space, especially since the visibility of the mountains starts so very subtly on the far left and increasingly becomes visible with increased beauty and light.

If anything, I’m wishing for a bit more room on the right. The tall peak with that gorgeous light just feels a bit crammed towards the edge. Then again, the pano format really accentuates the opening in the clouds and all that beautiful light and snow covered mountain range.

No nits otherwise. What a great moment.


George, I think you have created a beautiful scene! I love the colors as presented and the light is handled really well. One nit, I would also consider a small bottom crop, it might help with a just a little bit too much negative space. This is very minor, nice work!

Personally I’d have cropped in a bit more, lowering the mountain line and reducing the lower left negative space, but that really is just my own preference rather than a critique. I really like the image.

Wanted to thank all of you for the feedback @Steve_Bennett @Alan_Kreyger @Lon_Overacker @John_Williams. I’ve reworked two versions based on your feedback (required use of the next series of pano images that I took) - would appreciate feedback on preference. V1 or V2? Thanks again this feedback is so useful as I reevaluate and think about the image from different perspectives!



George, I prefer V1. V2 is a unique take on the scene but for me the foreground distracts rather than anchors the scene. The cleaner simpler focus on the main subject in V1 works better in my eye. I do appreciate the interesting approach in V2. Nice work!

V1 for me also.