Morning Flight

Black and white version

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I don’t normally try to photograph wildlife (I’m too slow), but I was out one morning a couple months ago and this opportunity presented itself. Unfortunately, these geese are a little blurry when zoomed in, but I still like the image. I took some shots of this scene without the birds in it, and it’s also nice, but I think the birds in flight make it much more interesting.

Specific Feedback

Any and all feedback welcome, particularly on the color v. black and white versions.

Technical Details

70 mm, 1/100 sec, f/6.3, ISO 320. For the color version, I made some light, curve, and color adjustments in Lightroom. I used the denoise tool to reduce noise a bit and also removed a small, dark cloud that was near the trees and seemed distracting to me. For the black and white version, I just converted my color version to black and white and then reduced the blue color slider quite a bit to darken the sky.

John, I agree that the birds are an important addition to the scene. (They also make it a double, small-in-the-frame, since the clump of trees also qualifies…) I prefer the color version as it better shows off the frosty nature of the foreground as well as the clearing skies. At NPN posting size, the birds look fine (albeit showing a bit of jpeg conversion noise). Looks like a chilly, but thoroughly enjoyable morning to be out.

I prefer the color version, John as the ground fog seems to go away in the black and white and I’m a big fan of fog. I agree that the geese add a lot to the image by providing interest in the sky.

@Mark_Seaver and @Dennis_Plank - Thank you both for your feedback and comments. Yes, it was a cold morning, but a nice one to be out in. The fog was kind of drifting through in waves, which was very cool.

Love the moodiness of the b/w version. The flying geese add just that touch of balance that completes the image.

Hi @Denise_Dethlefsen, thank you for your feedback. I appreciate it.