Walking on the beach in the early morning, the sea foam washing up against the kelp bits caught my eye. Both the shapes and the brightness of the foam were striking.
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a7r3, 37mm, f/16, 1/100s, ISO 400. Processed to bring out my impression of the foam strongly standing out against the sand - darkened and brought out some detail in the sand, color graded to cool the sand and warm the highlights.
I really like the contrast and textures. Also there is just enough interesting foam details to wander and explore without being drawn of the scene. Nicely done.
Another one of your suggestive images. Is it Cape Cod or something more sinister. The roots on the left look none too friendly. But they and their shadow are critical for how you feel when looking at this composition.
That was my thought too, you found a good balance between the lead actor and the supporting cast. They arrangement of all the smaller elements is very well balanced , and it keeps your eye within the scene as Alan said.
Its also interesting that the 4 larger bits of foam on the right feel like they are physically connected to the large foam patch, even though they really aren’t. My brain fills in the blanks and I essentially perceive this as one shape (Cape Cod works).