Morning in the Copse

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


John Lennon sings: “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans”. I went among these trees trying to get a shot of a jay, but was struck by how the low morning sunlight hit the trunks from the right. The long telephoto was all I had, but closing it down to 150mm allowed me to get an amount of depth which I liked.

Specific Feedback

Did I add too much contrast to the photo? Any other comments welcome.

Technical Details

D500 + 150-600mm 1/320 f16 ISO2500

Straightened and cropped for composition. PS: Mid-tone slider in Levels, Linear Contrast in Curves.

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Hm…it is a tad contrasty for the mood you might be going for, but I like the strip of a tunnel view. It also feels a bit cool to me, especially in the shadows which are quite blue. The red leaves look terrific in the line of trunks. Glad you took the time to explore even though your prospective quarry had flown.

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