Morning Lake Light

Overlooking Lily Lake in RMNP. First time visiting this spot. I was rushing to make it for sunrise, only to laugh as there is a mountain in the way and had to wait for a good hour until the sun was up high enough to get some light on the lake and trees. Had some good clouds hanging around that added an interesting element in the sky.

What technical feedback would you like if any?

I like the overall contrast and feel but wonder if the lake too bright?

What artistic feedback would you like if any?


Pertinent technical details or techniques:

(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
Single Image. ISO 100 f8 1/320sec

Very nice image!

The lake looks fine to me. If I were to question anything, it would be the big cloud. There seems to be some detail around the edges of that, but not in the body of it. That may have been exactly the way that cloud was, but it made me wonder.

Very nice processing of a pretty high dynamic range image.

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Thanks @rjWilner. Good idea on the cloud details. I exposed for highlights so I assume I could get a little more detail out of them.

That’s tough, because I do think golden-hour lighting would add to the scene; it would help reduce some of the harshness. I do like the three distant peaks and the lines of the slopes leading up to them. If there is more sky/cloud detail, that is a worthy chase.