An excellent and bold winter mountain scenic. The colors and the first light of day are beautiful.
The darker forest area doesn’t bother me; there’s detail there, we can see the trees and I think the foreground ridge contrasts nicely in the overall scene.
I love the colors in the clouds/sky as well as the light striking the peaks. For my own taste, I think the contrast is a little heavy, but clearly within the realm of preference.
I like the framing/crop as well - just right.
Thanks, Lon. I’ll try softening it a bit.
Matt, that simply spectacular light that you have here, it must have been amazing to witness in person. I think the composition works well, the arrangement of elements keeps my eye moving across the scene. As @Lon_Overacker said the foreground has detail, so it’s not a big problem, but I could see lifting those shadows a bit. Again, this crosses over into personal taste, but I think the contrast level is a bit too high, and I would prefer to see a slightly lower of saturation on the sunlit portions of the mountains. The colors and saturation of the sky look fine to me however.