My Kind Of Road

This is the last one from a most enjoyable morning. I had camped in the mountains above this Montana valley and found nothing to photograph in the early morning. I was really happy to see these layers of clouds on my way down the mountain and had an hour of fun photographing them. The ranchers driving by looked at me like I was crazy (not sure they were not right).

D810, Tokina 24-70mm

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Excellent, Harley. Not sure if you can, but you might try to pull a little detail out of the deep shadows on the right. Color and contrast look great.

I can certify, under penalty of perjury, that you are crazy–good crazy.

I have no issues with this image and I’m normally not a massive fan of shots with roads, It’s really pretty good!!! In fact it’s ace! Nicely done :slight_smile:

Lovely composition and capture! You may be right…


Harley - My favorite state is Montana and this shot really captures one of it’s many attributes very well!
I have no suggestions.

Harley, wonderful back-road take here. I think we can all enjoy getting way out there and taking it all in. This is one of those roads and sites that is the big draw toward making that point…:sunglasses:
There is always the word of caution on these back-roads with regard to vehicle worthiness. I came close only once with a weak battery…:sob:

BTW: I think anyone who sees CA. plates on a vehicle immediately has the gaze of wondering what the heck is taking place…:clown_face:

Really beautiful scene Harley. I’m sure the drive was a lot of fun. Not much critique here but Preston’s suggestion about opening up some of the black shadows is a good one. The comp and light is great.

This is a very soothing and well composed shot Harley. The composition works very well, and I really like that warm/cool color combo. I would be very happy if this was my own shot. Well done.

Excellent Harley! I’ve forgotten the phrase you coined for these types of images you seem to gravitate towards - Big sky country, or something like that. Anyway, this foots the bill perfectly for that genre. Love the dirt road leading the eye in to this grand country. I can see the low hanging clouds you were chasing, or are about to chase…

No nits or suggestions really, oh, maybe knock down the blue in the mountain shadows in the far range, but that’s pretty minor, if even a concern for you.

Great stuff - takes me there.


I like this very much Harley. Why do country roads evoke so much emotion? The early morning shadows across the road adds a lot. And all those ruts and grooves and bends give it character. The overall composition is really strong as well. So glad they allow roads now in landscape, at least these types of roads. I would lighten and slighten desaturate the blue sky above the clouds.

This is a beautiful scene Harley, and your composition really pulls the viewer into the image. This image is a great example of why it was a good decision to allow some man made elements into the landscape forums, that road really makes the shot.

Indeed Harley, my kind of road as well. I’ve never been to Montana, but when I lived in west Texas we had scenes similar to this in that you could just see forever. Here in the south it is heavily forested with just limited viewing available. The feeling this image evokes is one of freedom and LOTS of breathing room, and I love that. I have no suggestions for improvement that hasn’t already been mentioned. Well, perhaps one suggestion - Please take me on your next trip there!

I would no doubt enjoy driving down this road. Very nice and no suggestions from me.

This is real nice, Harley. Gives me wanderlust! The warm tones in the grasses are exquisite and the road makes for a great leading line into the background. Processing looks good to me. Personally I like the contrasty look as-is and don’t see a case to open the shadows.

I love images like this. Your’s really makes me long to be there. I can almost hear the stillness of this valley calling out to me. I really have nothing really to suggest. The only minor thing I could find when really looking at it hard is that the sky and clouds seem to feel a tiny bit unnatural. I’m not sure if that is because of a lack of contrast, color balance or both. That’s really nit-picking though and I only do it because you’ve posted it in the critique section and we’re supposed to fine some suggestion to improve the images. This one is nearly perfect as is.