Mario, I like the B&W tonal range. You made good use of the full range of the histogram, and the deep blacks in the shadows create a very rich look. In terms of composition, I really like what’s going on in the left 2/3’s of the image. But I do feel like there is slightly too much of the log in the LRC, I might prefer to see a slight crop from the right, and maybe the bottom as well.
I also think this image might be a candidate for a horizontal flip. As I look from left to right, I think I prefer it flipped.
Hi Mario…I agree with @Ed_McGuirk on his points. Excellent tonal range without too much highlights. I think showing a little restraint in your highlights when you’re going to have deep blacks is very helpful.
I also agree with the LRC…for me its just a bit off in the sense of scale compared to the remaining logs and is just a wee bit out of focus making it less detailed/sharp as well. Do you have any other compositions of this area? I can see getting lost in this for a couple hours!
One thing to consider is cropping kinda heavily leaving the upper left 1/3-1/2 of the image excluding the bottom log and the lower right corner. The intertwining of these elements is the main show and is made less effective to my eye with the remainder of the elements. I dunno - just another perspective.
This looks very organic to me. Body parts twisted and entwined. I find the composition fine as is. If the wood on the right is offensive then it needs to be cropped off entirely and that would not be a solution. Showing it off prominently and featuring it as part of the comp was the right decision.
I don’t have much experience with black and white processing, but to my eye as well the tonal range looks pleasing. I like the curvy, swirly patterns that create some nice movement.
Thank you all for your comments and suggestions @Ed_McGuirk@Igor_Doncov@Jim_McGovern@DeanRoyer , much appreciated. I have a couple other versions of this image but they do not have the same intertwining perspective. Guess I prefer the original.