
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This one is an oldie, but a goodie. My wife and I were staying in the Big Meadows CG in Shenandoah NP, VA at the time. I almost did not bother getting up as I could hear a light rain making a melodic sound on the camper’s roof. After looking outside I did not have high hopes, but I was up and moving so I decided to go.

As I was driving north on Skyline Drive I noticed a warm glow along the horizon where the storm clouds were parting just enough to let this wonderful color through. I do not remember exactly where this location was, but I just stopped in the road; as it was early and there was no traffic; and put my truck flashers on. I do not recommend this course of action, but I just could not pass this up.

I loved the way that the warm light separated the different ridgelines in the scene. This was probably the most amazing light that I have had the good fortune to witness.

Specific Feedback

I am relatively happy with the image, but am undecided as whether to crop a little from the top. I am going to include this in a show I am putting together for a local art gallery so I am curious as to your thoughts.

Technical Details

Nikon D 200, Nikon 80-200 @ 200 mm, f 11 @ 1 sec, ISO 200, cable release & tripod.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

Breath taking moment, Ed! The crop works for me, wouldn’t change a thing. Just totally enjoying looking at this gorgeous sunrise.

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The colors are excellent in this one Ed. I could see cropping the dark top to about the same size as the brighter band on this, but really not necessary. Beautiful light and layers.

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Excwellent Ed. Classic composition with the layered mountain ridges. One of my favorite all time compositional styles. And Shenandoah is filled with these compositions. You captured the glorious light and mood successfully. Well done. I would probably crop to a wider aspect ratio. I think that’s more suited to the horizontal aspect of this image. JMHO


Ed, the depth and especially the subtle color shifts in the mountains as they fade into the distance are special. I do think that the area of darkness at the top is too much. I just tried some dodging through a D2 mask and like how the result matches the color in the second set of peaks. I dodged the 2nd ridge using a D1-D3, to get just a touch more separation between it and closest ridge. Finally, a bit of mid-tone doding of that lovely magenta ridge near the back using All-L1-D2 to give it a touch more prominance.


Many thanks everyone @linda_mellor, @Ed_Williams, @Michael_Lowe and @Mark_Seaver for taking the time to leave your thoughts on this image; always appreciated!
@Michael_Lowe: Thanks for taking the time to do a rework. I like the crop.
@Mark_Seaver: Thanks for taking the time to do a rework. The changes are subtle, but I do like it very much.