The graceful arch of warm color set against a deep blue stone sure is a beautiful graphic presentation. I think the color at the base also works well and isn’t too close to the bottom for my eye. The only substantive distraction to my eye is the LLC where a dark hunk of rock (or cave?) carries some visual weight. The arch guides my eye towards this and captures my attention. There are various ways to increase the luminance in this area to blend it more with the surrounding rock. I’d also be tempted to brighten the deep darks in the area above the arch, but not too much as it provides some depth to the rock wall.
How far to go on the brightness & saturation of yellows is a matter of taste, and the yellow trees stand out well among the arch of others helping to add some interest and complexity to the “arch”.
Jim, thanks so much for the feedback! After seeing the image through your eyes I also realized there is a black hole in the bottom left.
David, this is a fabulous image! Likewise, I find the dark rock in the lower left very distracting. Depending on how you feel about edits, it is straightforward getting rid of this in Photoshop using Edit/Transform/Skew: then grab the lower left corner and pull it down and to the left. Voila:
Beautiful autumn scene, well spotted! The autumncolors look great against the rockwall.
I agree with the comments about the dark spot in the LLC. I would not clone or stretch it out, but play with the shadows in the raw file and blend them in. I like the emptyness of that corner, similar to the other 3 corners. But the LLC one is just too dark.
Zooming in I notice that the green trees on the left seem to be considerably less sharp than the yellow ones. Is this the shutterspeed (wind? boatmovement?) or dit something else happen?
Hi @pixeldave, very nice image. I love the contrast between plants an rocks. Thanks for sharing.