New Butterfly updated

We were at the botanical gardens in Southern California when we came across this butterfly which was just born. There were a couple of other cocoons next to her.

Specific Feedback Requested

How is the lighting and is the web around the butterfly left over of the cocoon.

Technical Details

90D 100-400 ii at 124mm f/13 iso 400 no flash HH


I like the bits of silk clinging because it helps tell the story of her emergence. The light looks fine to me although you could nudge the exposure on the wings and the head and body up just a tad. A tighter crop would eliminate the bright spots on the left and maybe the strip of background on top, too. Play with it and see what you think. She’s a gorgeous little creature and I am so envious of your botanical gardens so you can see these things. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks @Kris_Smith , I made some of the changes you suggested. I agree it helped.

Dean, she is a real beauty. I’m so glad she posed for you. I like the changes that you made. Hopefully soon we will have them here. I’m hoping to go to the Botanical Gardens one day while my husband visits with a friend.

A beauty @Dean_Salman . Caught at the best time - wish we had them here too!