It’s a simple site that showcases some of my favorite photos, as well as a gallery dedicated to something near & dear to my heart - rescue dogs. The photos in that gallery were taken when I was on the BOD of a dog rescue organization in NH.
I plan on keeping the site small to only include the photos that I feel best represent my own vision and interests. Thanks for taking a look, I hope you enjoy the visit!
I can access via my iPhone celluar data - my Internet network can’t find it though. All looks good here on Safari, looked fine on Edge and Chrome before the network issue.
Large files, maybe give it more time to load.
Update - it was DNS propagation; I can now reach the site again.
Your imagery is wonderful! Great selection of images.
Site looks good to me - very simple as you mention. My only wish would be that each image could open to it’s own page; then viewer could scroll “next image”. Seeing 2 different images side by side slightly takes away from the individual image. Not a biggie given you’re just showcasing your favorites…
Love the simplicity. Everything worked well. All images are great but the dog images are wonderful. Those faces! Thankful, thoughtful, sad, wary and battle scarred.
Just a couple of things; My OCD coming into play. I wish for “photography” to be more centred under your name.
My “english” vocabulary might think that “Haven” should read “Having taken”. Appearing in your “About JEPhoto” . Beginning of third paragraph.
Lon, thanks for taking the time to look and comment!
I agree with your observation and am trying something a little different to address that. Go take a look - click on any of the photos. You may have to reload the page if the links don’t work.
Ahhh, much better today. I think it was still work in progress yesterday as the site behaved differently than today… But today it’s looking very good and the image navigation is intuitive and I like that now you are displaying the individual items when clicked and the next/prev navigation works well.
Thanks for taking the time and consideration of the feedback!