Another bird photo where the perch drew my attention as much as the bird.
What technical feedback would you like if any? Any
What artistic feedback would you like if any? Any
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
Canon 7DII; Sigma 150-600 at 500 mm; 1/800; f6.3;+2/3EV; ISO 125
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This is really nice, Allen. The flicker’s pose works very well with the shape of the top of the juniperand I like the open beak.
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Yep, I like the perch as well but would like to see more canvas along the bottom as I think the tail is too close to exiting the frame and the image appears a little bit warm on my computer. If you could make the sky a little bit bluer I think it would help and maybe selectively lighten the bird just a touch particularly around the neck and head so we can see that eye just a smidge better. Nice open beak call too.
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Nice side and back view of the flicker. I like the open bill and head turn as well. I could also agree on a bit of lightening on the eye and head area. Colors look pretty good to me but that could be my preference.
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