I was just browsing through images from my one real trip last year (early February) and this one caught my eye as much for the browns reflected in the water as for the duck. That’s the problem with a good trip-you end up with images you’ve forgotten lying around unprocessed.
Specific Feedback Requested
Do the whites in the Pintail attract the eye to much?
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
7DII, Sigma 150-600 C @ 435 mm, beanbag on car window, f/8, 1/1000, iso 2000, manual exposure. Processed in LR and PS CC. cropped just enough to straighten a bit. Noise reduction with Neat Image, exposure and contrast adjustments and a bit of burning of bright reeds. Micro contrast enhancement of the duck. Taken February 5, 2020 at 4:41 pm.
Most pleasing comp with excellent water, plumage detail, BG. Dark head plumage could be brighter. Detail in dark brown feathers would be improved if brighter. Nice reflection. White areas not a problem.
A really nice image Dennis. Love those browns. The pintail looks fine. One thing I might have a look at is a pano crop. taking out some of highlights on bottom and some reeds. I think it may add to the stream lined look of pintail. For sure with such a nice image I would spend a bit of time with spot removal brush. It is always hard tp pick what you like from a bunch of photos, and when you go back for another look you may get a pleasant surprise. Nice one.