Just recently started playing with in-camera-multiple-exposure, and applying different techniques. I was struck by the shapes, patterns and textures that emerged out of this series of 10 images taken at the Desert Botanical Garden here in Phoenix, AZ.
The original image is a potted geranium, on a purple wall/bench, with many desert plants in the background.
Not sure multiple exposures are allowed for the weekly challenge, but I thought it might be fun to share a different technique.
I hope you enjoy this image
Specific Feedback and Self-Critique
Any and all feedback welcomed.
Technical Details
In Camera Multiple Exposure, 10 images, tripod, 1/10sec, f/8, ISO 320, 70mm
I really like the colors and patterns here. It is well thought out and composed. The bright area in front tends to draw my eye and wonder if it couldn’t be darkened some. Neat image.
Hi Fritz, agree with what Allen said, and the image contains a lot of texture. At first glance I thought it was a woven rug. Yes, I think the bright area, with its interesting geometry, could be toned down a bit. Overall, a pretty neat endeavor and result.