NPN "Merchandise"

I’m the proud owner (and user) of assorted clothing and gear from the original NPN. Anyone else?

I’d be using it even more if it wasn’t getting a little threadbare, and I’d sure hate to have to dump it.

I’m happy to see that there is merchandise offered once again, but I look forward to a broader spectrum to choose from. Specifically jackets and vests, as a matter of fact.

And in colors other than black! :smile:

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Hi Hank, thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately the supplier I’m using now does not do jackets or vests, but maybe in the future! The yellow logo shirts only come in dark colors, but the white logo shirt comes in a huge variety of colors. Is there anything specific you’re looking for?

At this point just light jackets, windbreakers and vests. Our NPN versions (gray) are cherished, but as I said they’re becoming a bit threadbare. The logowear from our former photo business (royal blue) is filling in, but we’d kinda like to preserve that too.

As you contemplate additions to your merchandise line, here’s hoping you can find a source of outerwear. And keep us posted when you make additions to the store!