Old Faithful from afar

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


On a chilly, windless morning, I was heading for Castle Geyser, when Old Faithful erupted behind me. As I turned around, I was impressed by the height of the mist cloud so I grabbed a few shots. (Note that windless days are rare in YNP.) The liquid water plume is seen as the darker streaks just above the trees.

Technical Details

R5, 24-105 @ 105, 1/1250, f/16, iso 400, tripod

I like the horizontal best Mark. Great idea isolating the geyser and you caught it at its peak, but in my view the composition needs more foreground. Maybe there were tourists, boardwalks or other distracting elements. But that dry grass is a great compliment to the blue sky and I think more of it would improve the balance of the image. I wonder if there’s a way to set up closer to the geyser, wide angle lens, so you could capture more foreground. The geyser is a very magnetic element and could tolerate being smaller in the frame. Also, maybe open up the black shadows on some of those conifers.

Mark, where was this taken?.. :clown_face:
Both perspectives work just fine for me. I’m almost always a horizontal view person, but I lean toward the vertical here for the emphasis on the amazing height of the geyser stream… :+1:

I like the horizontal as it gives the full picture and how out of place these geysers seem in the whole scene there. A smoke shooting from the ground in the middle of an idyllic peaceful area. But to get that contrast even more I think it could have helped to have a little more in front - just to give a sense of the complete picture. The sky might also benefit from being a little darker - to be more of a contrast from the geyser. but you definitely give the sense of the power of the geyser.