Old house in a small Bulgarian vilalge

Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

I am not sure :slight_smile: Usually I am more into nature photography, and I feel I often struggle with composition in urban or village scenes (although I really like good such photos). This is handheld shot during my first walk in the village, because when I was taking the photo I didn’t think it will be something I would want to share. However, looking on the computer I start to like the image more and more.
Analyzing the composition, I think the lower right part should be too distracting, because it is very bright (despite heavy dodging and burning) and more importantly much brighter than the background house which is my subject. However, looking at the image it doesn’t seem to bother me too much. I could crop quite a bit, I guess, but I like the current framing because it tells the story of the scene better. I was thinking of much more panoramic crop where I see only the top of the chimney in the foreground is visible. But so far I like this crop more.

Creative direction

I still don’t know what is the exact creative direction for me for these kinds of scenes. I am still learning village/urban scenes. I think I like more painterly images and here I think the light helps. I didn’t try to remove the cable hanging from the house. Given that it passes through the trees I think the effort will be not worth it. And maybe it still tells part of the story of the building.

Specific Feedback

I am looking mostly for composition feedback as this is the my main concern about the scene. Not sure if the sky is not too saturated and contrasty as well. This is my first quick edit and will have to decide on this with later looks.

Technical Details

Handheld shot with 35mm full frame camera. Focal length 35mm, f/8, ISO 64. Exposure time 1/320 second. I don’t remember if in-body stabilization was on.


A village scene from a tiny Bulgarian village called Leshten. This is a handheld shot taken during my first walk in the village.

I know what you mean about feeling out of my depth with non-nature scenes. This composition seems ok, but a tad lopsided due to the heaviness on the left. Not sure if moving to the right was possible, but that may have helped. the power line is a matter of taste, but I think the shadows are a bit too lifted here - especially the farthest trees at the top of the frame - those look way too light. The light colored wall and the highlights in the foliage speak of a sunny day, so maybe easing the highlights up as well would help make this seem more realistic. As part of a group of photos I can see this one working well to tell the story of the place.