One Cloud

This was mid-morning and generally, the camera does not come in this kind of light. But the lone cloud quite intrigued me. I saw it, got the camera out fast, but the cloud had broken up. About 10 minutes later, it had re-aggregated. The cloud seemed do that several times.

D810, 70-200mm

Harley, this is a tough light to work with and you have to done a great job handling it. I also like the lone cloud. It is very eye catching. I like that sort of polarized look that you have on the sky. Is that processing or did you put on a CPL for this shot?

Very interesting shot Harley. I think the colors go together nicely and the one cloud breaks up the uniformity of the shot.

Excellent TOD take on this scene, Harley. Nice to see an out of the normal time of sunrise or sunset photo that worked so well. Especially a clean one like this. The singular cloud story is very interesting. The disassemble, assemble, or reassemble process with it being all alone up there is a twist Iā€™ve never seen or realized or made note of if I didā€¦:+1:

Harley, thatā€™s quite a wildflower display, itā€™s very impressive. I normally do not like to see dead center horizons. But in this case that one little cloud really makes the composition work for me, it adds some vitality to what otherwise would be a static composition. I like this very much as presented. While the color image is very effective, it might also be worthwhile to try this in B&W as well, given the strong contrast in this scene.

I like this conceptually. Thereā€™s something intriguing about a lone cloud out there all by itself. It just makes you think ā€˜whyā€™.

I initially thought this might look better without all the yellow. Just the outline of the hills and the cloud. But I see that the flowers do add to it and I like it better this way. Which is strange, because the story is about isolation. So the more bare it looks the more effective it should be. So maybe itā€™s not about isolation?

Terrific Harley! The cloud takes a colorful but otherwise mundane scene right over the top. Itā€™s fun to use my thumb to ā€œcropā€ the cloud on my screen, then reveal the cloud to watch the scene erupt. I generally loathe BBS (Bald Blue Skies), so I may be particularly attuned to the impact of a well-placed cloud or two. Your image amply demonstrates the difference in landscapes.

I definitely enjoy the cloud and the color contrast between yellow and blue.

Iā€™m sorta feeling like the flowers take too much of the frame for an image thatā€™s really about the cloud, and I feel like itā€™s calling for a rule-of-thirds composition with the cloud centered horizontally. Maybe something like these?


Those are both interesting takes Brent, nice idea !!!


The crops are interesting, but I prefer the framing in the original. There are two expanses of color in the OP: Yellow/Blue-Warm/Cool. In concert, they provide a sense of the wide land and sky with the lone cloud anchoring everything together.

Nicely done, Harley.

This is very nice, Harley. Pretty dang good for harsh mid day light. Very appealing mix of colors and the cloud adds a lot of interest but I feel it is a bit too small in the original version. Iā€™m liking Brentā€™s two crops better.


The cloud most definitely makes and defines the image. Oh, and I just now noticed this - the clouds shadow on the mountain. Insignificant really, but kinda cool.

Given the mid-day light and the uniformity of the expanse of the flowers, Iā€™d be inclined to go along with something like Brent was suggesting. However, Iā€™d consider a more pano crop, taking off may 40% of the flowers from the bottom? I dunno, it might bring even more attention to the importance of the cloud.

Fun image and certainly easy to see why you grabbed the camera.


Harley, I really enjoy this image, the simplicity iswhat caught my eye when browsing through the landscape image critique gallery. The colour contrast really works well too, but that cloud is the star of the show for me. Well done on seeing and capturing this.

I like your original rendition - if anything Iā€™d like to see even more flowers, but the cloud was too high for that. The mid-morning light works very well in this case.