In a remote area of Montana, I was treated to a real nice cloud show. I made a few images I like and this one is my favorite.
D810, 70-200mm
Comments, suggestions and critiques are quite welcome.
In a remote area of Montana, I was treated to a real nice cloud show. I made a few images I like and this one is my favorite.
D810, 70-200mm
Comments, suggestions and critiques are quite welcome.
I really like the pano crop in this. It accentuates the layers.
The tones here are excellent, with a nice separation. I like the dramatic mood a lot.
Cool image, looks like a giant dust storm approaching.
I really like the pano approach to this subject. It must’ve been a real experience to experience this.
Wow, phenomenal Harley! As mentioned, this really must have been a sight to see and experience. I can’t say I’ve ever scene something like this.
Any more room up top? The pano format is perfect here, but just wondering if there is a bit more above for some breathing space. I don’t think it diminish the impact this cloud has. But regardless, this is flat out cool.
Harley, thankfully a huge rolling cloud bank and not dust. This is excellent. The pano selection and all around B&W processing gives it a strong dynamic view. Well done…
Wow, that is one awesome cloud blank. I like the way that mountain tip is peaking through, providing scale. It might be nice if you could gain a bit more separation from the sky so it is more prominent. Otherwise the crop and post look good to me.