Opal Creek Area OR

5D2, 70-200mmL

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Danny, I think this is a wonderful image. It tells a nice story about the rainforest. And it sort of creates an optical illusion of a tree growing horizontally (even though it’s two trees). The processing is very well done. I love the light on the leaves, set off against the dark background of the mossy rocks. And that tree couldn’t have fallen at a better angle…

My only nit is that there a dust bunny or other black blob, in the water in the LRC, that I would clone away.


I saw this when you posted it but did not comment then and forgot about it until now. I think this is a phenomenal image. The varying tones of green and the varying textures among the greens is fascinating. The lighting is perfect and seems to be spotlighting the Maple. The fallen tree seems to have taken that Maple limb down with it and that is a great story. Even the texture in the water is great. I really like this photo.